24 Aralık 2018 Pazartesi

A Call to WHO from Turkey

WHOThe World Health Organization  
 On Environmental Factors
According to the results of my research and experience related to Tourette Syndrome (TS) and my observations I have obtained from others' experience, science can make the following classifications about the TS of a person:
1.       Is it predominant in movement disorders? How much of it is of genetic origin?
2.       Is it predominant in mental confusions? Are comorbid disorders such as ADHD, OCD and the like the cause of mental confusions? How much of them is of genetic origin?
3.       Is it predominant in environmental factors? If so, environmental factors are valid for everyone and interactive with everything else (including 1 and 2), aren’t they?
The main problem is to not consider environment (item 3), the most important factor, as the center of the solution. Therefore, improvement methods focusing mainly on use of medication etc are also ineffective.
We create a model that is increasingly moving away from society when we neglect the environment  and sudden environmental changes  and focus on other options.
Neuroethics refers to one's “social self” and how “self” interacts with other “selves". When we separate “self” from other “selves”, we are destroying our “social self”. Because, just use of medication, for reasons such as sedative effect, personality change, sudden attack behavior, pushes one’s “self” away from others. My fundamental problem has already been to get away from the others. If I don’t have a “social self”, what am I?
Primarily, we can get the most positive results when the environment approaches my / our needs and when that position is kept balanced.
That means:
Firstly, I have to be able to have adequate food to eat, fresh air to inhale, a home to live in and I must live my sexuality. Then, I need environments where I can have friends, realize my talents, and so on. I don't have to make any concessions to anyone to get these basic needs; because they must exist unconditionaly in order that I can attain the mind and reality that will free my thoughts. Let’s change this world. Because it is washing brains for its own purposes by making use of the basic needs and it is making us perceive some non-basic things as basic needs by way of addictions.  Setting drug (narcotic) use free does not mean personal freedoms. Can you free our thoughts? Are our choices really ours? Every place is full of brainwashers. So, in short, my ability to find myself is not simply to be solved with antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc. (This last sentence was inspired by Oliver Sacks's book "Awakenings.")

After the application of item 3, medicated treatments, etc. may come into play according to the 1st and / or 2nd items for people who are still in need. They actually interact with the environment.
Why is the same person quite good in some life sections, but why does he or she get worse in some others? What breaks our balance in environmental transitions?
For example, in the following cases, students with TS who successfully graduated from universities had been welcomed by their fellow students and lecturers. So, what have the most important health institutions and some experts done?
Here you are! Here are the stories of two people with TS who were sent to the same hospital in different years for similar reasons. We can not see the accumulation of knowledge, research and experience that was transferred from pre-2000 to post-2000 years: https://asukrandemiralp2.blogspot.com/2016/05/farkindalik-aylari-ne-icin-olmal-ve-de.html

Improvement means that an individual makes efforts to stand on his / her own feet by improving his / her skills and abilities. This is possible only in an environment that is appropriate to needs.
Our most important need after the basic needs can be to reach a consciousness that can keep our moods in balance. The third of the three items mentioned above includes such an environment and all the value-adding possibilities that it offers including tolerance.
If scientists, institutions and multi-media push the third item back into the background, and bring the first and the second into the foreground, they lead to the non-functionality of the individual instead of improvement. The non-functionality exhausts self-confidence.
But what is the truth that has come from centuries to the present?
Is it not the strong environmental supports that are behind many people whose abilities were able to come to the fore despite their differences?
(TS was not known at the time; now Samuel Johnson is thought to be with TS). The factor that directed Samuel Johnson to research on language, that directed Mozart to music, and that directed the surgeon with TS in Oliver Sacks’s book to medicine is nothing but proper environmental conditions that enabled them to express themselves productively.
For a better environment, we need people who can think healthier. And, for that, we want science and art centers that do not condition us, mass media that do not wash our brains, natural sports areas where we can divert the “irrational energy” within us, walking paths, trees, clean water that we can drink, clean water that we can swim in, etc.
We want the probability to be zeroed that hospitals make us seriously ill and we want new ways to be opened that goes to peace all over the world.
On the one hand, children who starve or die of bombs in Yemen etc., on the other hand, in vitro fertilization (test-tube baby) applications. A popular scientist, Y. Harari says "Yemeni terrorists" and "There is not much starvation left in the world." Another scientist, David Eagleman, tries to paste a so-called genocide into a country (Turkey) without basing it on documents. Such books can be brainwashing. We don't want scientist-labeled global celebrities who write books with such hidden content.
Prof. Dr. Ioanna Kuçuradi states that everything that can be done by science should not be done by saying “whatever happens!” We want a humanity that is free of greed and stubbornness.
And for a better environment, our goal is to make curiosity, scientific and ethical value knowledge that can pave the way for people being able to break their prejudices about each other be realized.
We are now aware of gene – environment – culture interactions, aren't we?
Why is WHO not effective in these matters?
A poem:
What is science and ethics?
As science categorizes us *
it collects data for its projects.
Let it collect it, and then?
Disease labels were glued on our foreheads; *
diseased celebrities were introduced to us with their talents.
It wasn't the destructive competition we needed.
So, how much were our talents cared about?
A song of “awareness” has been sung these days;
We've become aware
And we've made people to become aware.
Well, …
what happened now?
A.Şükran Demiralp

First of all, a balanced and ethical understanding of science. Now without much delay; we're in the 21st century, and we're going to be role models for artificial intelligence, right?
Professor Dr. Betül Çotuksöken: “Expert knowledge of science is a necessary condition, and ethical values are a sufficient condition.”

A.Şükran Demiralp – Oğuz Demiralp, 24 Aralık 2018

1)                 https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/neuroethics/
2)       It can be the first in the world in this respect: a book from the life sections of a son and his parents: “Strolls at Ends - Living with Tourette's syndrome”: https://asukrandemiralp1.blogspot.com/2012/08/to-be-able-to-understand-differences2.html
4)                 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/acta-neuropsychiatrica/article/neurophilosophy-of-epileptic-experiences/19188ED9FB7AB887B0464CEFF70CBDFC
5)                 https://compliance.berkeley.edu/conflict-of-interest
7)                 https://en.wiki2.org/wiki/Conflict_of_interest
16)             https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5403589/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5403589/#R71
17)             With that in mind, investigators are considering the effects of gene–environment interactions. A child with a mild genetic tendency toward a neurodevelopmental disorder might develop without clinically measurable abnormalities in the absence of environmental “hits.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1367862/

5 yorum:

  1. https://asukrandemiralp2.blogspot.com/2018/12/a-call-to-who-from-turkey.html
    Could you please read my writing at the link above and respond me. Thanks in advance.
    Yours sincerely,
    A.Şükran Demiralp

    http://encyclopedia.uia.org/en/problem/158111: "YES, BUT CONDITIONALLY: In most cases, medication for tics is not necessary. YES, BUT CONDITIONALLY: Education is an important part of any treatment plan, and explanation and reassurance alone are often sufficient treatment. YES, BUT CONDITIONALLY: Many individuals with Tourette's go undiagnosed or never seek medical care. YES, BUT CONDITIONALLY: Among those who are seen in specialty clinics, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) are present at higher rates. GENERALLY WRONG: These co-occurring diagnoses often cause more impairment to the individual than the tics; hence, it is important to correctly identify associated conditions and treat them."
    ADDITIONALLY; Tourette's is a more complex syndrome than you explained.

    A.Şükran Demiralp, 2.1.2018

  2. From: A.Şükran Demiralp
    Sent: Monday, December 24, 2018 9:56 AM
    To: FIC Info (NIH/FIC)
    Subject: Importance of environmental factors in therapy and life



    Could you please read my writing at the link above and respond me. Thanks in advance.

    Yours sincerely,

    A.Şükran Demiralp

    From: FIC Info (NIH/FIC)
    Date: 26 Ara 2018 Çar, 19:09
    Subject: RE: Importance of environmental factors in therapy and life
    To: A.Şükran Demiralp

    Thanks for contacting the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

    Unfortunately I’m not able to access the link you forwarded. Feel free to include the text in the body of the email and we can review and respond.

    Information from NIH’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on global environmental health may also be useful: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/programs/geh/.

    Fogarty International Center

    National Institutes of Health

    31 Center Drive, Room B2C/29, MSC 2220

    Bethesda MD 20892-2220


    A.Şükran Demiralp
    26 Ara 2018 22:18 (7 gün önce)
    Alıcı: FIC


    I pasted the content of the link (https://asukrandemiralp2.blogspot.com/2018/12/a-call-to-who-from-turkey.html) below. I also attached the content as a pdf file.

    Thanks for your interest,

    A.Şükran Demiralp

    On Environmental Factors

    According to the results of my research and experience related to Tourette Syndrome (TS) and my observations I have obtained from others' experience, science can make the following classifications about the TS of a person:

    1. Is it predominant in movement disorders? How much of it is of genetic origin?

    2. Is it predominant in mental confusions? Are comorbid disorders such as ADHD, OCD and the like the cause of mental confusions? How much of them is of genetic origin?

    3. Is it predominant in environmental factors? If so, environmental factors are valid for everyone and interactive with everything else (including 1 and 2), aren’t they?...

  3. I sent this link to WHO, 26.12.2018

  4. https://twitter.com/ulvisaran/status/1132200328366100480
